#The legend of heroes trails to azure english series
It’s interesting to see this game’s events played out with the additional moments surrounding Cold Steel II and really makes me appreciate the way this series is all connected, especially with the upcoming Trails into Reverie, a title that follows the events of Trails of Cold Steel IV, releasing in just a few short months. In fact, Trails to Azure ties directly into major events from Trails of Cold Steel II, events that I remember all too well, but lacked some of the context as to their cause. Trails from Zero was an exceptional experience, detailing the events that would place Crossbell in a very interesting position, events that even took place alongside the Trails of Cold Steel saga.

This translation was so beloved by its community that Falcom themselves worked alongside this team to bring these games to fans all over the world. Geofront, a community of fans of the Legend of Heroes series, set out to translate the entirety of Trails from Zero and Trails to Azure, two games that would tell the story of Lloyd Bannings and the Special Support Section as they navigated the political minefield that is Crossbell. While there appeared to be no indication that Trails from Zero or Trails to Azure would ever see an English release, a fan-driven translation suddenly changed all that, allowing these two important adventures to finally see the light of day. While the Trails in the Sky series and that of Cold Steel were made readily available outside of Japan, the Crossbell saga that bridges those games wasn’t so lucky. The Legend of Heroes series has been a vastly complicated one to play through in its entirety, especially in English and without playing across multiple platforms.